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Efficiency in the Digital World

When creating our new brand and website, it was important to us that we put our money where our mouth was.

Given that we’re passionate about reducing energy usage for our clients and being smarter with how they use energy, it made sense for us to apply this thinking to our website too.

Working with Juicebox, we looked at ways to optimise not only the site but how the site is hosted to have the most impact. There are a few things we implemented to directly reduce the energy usage.



The first thing to look at was the hosting. We opted for cloud hosting, which significantly reduces the energy usage compared to an office solution. In-row cooling has been deployed for our racks which uses free airflow within the space and saves more energy than traditional cooling methods.

The second thing we addressed was the site itself. Thoughtful design and development ensures it doesn’t load more than needed, so a system was built into the site to serve the right size image for the screen size of the device that looks at it. We also optimised that to make the file size as low as possible.

One more consideration was making sure the whole site was compressed on our hosting. This increases the site load speed, which means less time utilising energy to view it. And lastly, we’re not running any geolocation requests, which tend to chew up more mobile battery.

Regardless of the size of the improvement, we’ll look at it. More efficient energy usage is part of our DNA. If you have complex electrical systems in place, we’ll help you get the most out of them.